VA: Professor’s redefinition of pedophilia could help offenders demand rights

Source: 1/1/22

On Nov. 8, Old Dominion sociology and criminology professor Allyn Walker gave an interview in which he asserted the need to destigmatize pedophiles by redefining them as “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs). Walker stated, “We have a tendency to want to categorize people with these attractions as evil or morally corrupt,” and that when people “hear the term ‘pedophile,’ they automatically assume that it means a sex offender, and that isn’t true.”

Shortly after this interview, students at Old Dominion protested over the professor’s attempt to obfuscate the nature of sexual predators. Although the university furloughed Walker, the professor continued to defend his stance while attacking his critics as hostile to academic freedom and misguided by “rightwing media.”

The Walker incident is not a standalone event. In fact, his advocacy for pedophiles highlights the crisis that critical theory poses for higher education, as it attempts to dismantle every social taboo and normalize every form of immoral conduct. 

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This could get interesting as amerika loves to categorize and rename people in a shaming manor so society can ostracize them. I don”t know how a learning institution

is so far right it actually becomes the opposite of what it stands for? When the low educated baby boomers die off the system will change and there will be hope.

I have the same objection to term “minor attracted person” as I did when I first heard of the controversy. The term “pedophilia” is a clinical term with distinct diagnostic criteria in the DSM-V. Pedophilia denotes a primary sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. A pedophile is someone who acts on that attraction. The term “minor” is a legal term of art. Conflating the two will cause considerable confusion.

The public already misuses the term pedophile to include a person who finds any late teen attractive. The definition of a minor varies depending upon the laws of a particular jurisdiction. For example, in the federal system 16 is the age of consent so, as the judge in one case said, “she [a 16-year-old] was not a minor for the purpose of that [sexual relations]. However, a person is a “minor” for the purposes of child pornography until he/she turns 18. Does this mean that someone who views explicit photos of a 16-year-old is a pedophile, whereas someone who has sex with that person is not?

The area of sex offense laws is convoluted enough without further blurring definitions. If anything, we need to increase the public’s ability to differentiate between the terms pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia and minor. The first three are clinical diagnostic determinations while the latter pertains to the law. Although he may have been many undesirable things, Jeffrey Epstein was never accused of nor diagnosed with pedophilia. Nonetheless, he is consistently referred to as such.


Oops, missed the closing quotation mark after [sexual relations].

This article totally missed the point of what the topic was about. The point is, would you rather help someone with an attraction issue before, or after they offend? This professor was advocating for compassionate help before offending takes place, but he was treated like he was advocating for opening a Jeffrey Epstein brothel.

Interestingly, sex offender treatment implements elements of coping methods and strategies that likely align with Walker’s focus, so this should not be viewed as objectionable by even those on the right. But then again, people don’t use their minds before they open up the holes in their faces.

An old dominion school of thought is just a thought to make a news journal. Guess a mother isn’t attracted to their child but a man is more. Sounds a bit hypothetical even for many that are learned scholars induced in these inducement ordeals. But if you do evil that’s the question?.

Sure many can write papers about his or her theories, adventures or achievements or about the registry issues, but when it comes down to true justice is all the paperwork covered up with truth and honesty. Sure I’ve been on probation and sure we are all guilty of something even with much of this vain registry issue..
This registry is interesting for everyone but true justice will come out in much of this type of railroad /plea bargain justice. I hope many are not lost in limbo over this registry as true justice does and should still have value.

According to research, most people who sexually abuse children are not attracted to children.

But most people assume (1) sex offender means child molester and (2) child molester means pedophilia/pedophile.

It’s very similar to why mental retardation was changed to intellectually disabled.